Milagros Uteruses

Ex-votos or votive offerings, (Milagros in Spanish) are often small metal objects often in the shape of the human figure or body parts, such as legs, arms, eyes and hearts. These votives are presented as gifts to a supernatural or divine being in exchange for favors or assistance. When a votive offering is given its meaning is understood only by the donor. A votive of a body part, like a leg, may be asking for help with a broken leg or it may symbolize hopes for a journey. Eyes may represent a plea for better vision or a plea to be seen. I am fascinated by how many different cultures across the world use similar votives. Votives date back centuries before the Christian era with clear pagan roots. I offer my modern day votives to an internal divine being, the Uterus, with its capricious power over woman’s cycles, fertility, gender roles and relationship to society.

These pieces are made from cast porcelain. The milagros are made from individual press molds some glazed with gold luster.