ABout me

Born in New York, New York

Resides and works in Denver, CO

Beth Roland earned a BA with high honors in Fine Art, concentrating in sculpture. After college she went on to medical school and applied her skills as an artist to the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She continued her art education at the School of Visual Art in New York, Arts Student League of Denver and Arapahoe Community College, in Littleton, CO.


Beth Roland’s work is influenced by her diverse experiences working in women’s healthcare in the United States and abroad as well as her love of nature and organic forms. She considers herself a humanist, a feminist and environmentalist. By using the beauty of organic forms she hopes to open a dialog about women’s rights, women’s health and the health of our climate.


Juried Shows

Terra/Earth/Ground, Core New Art Gallery, Denver, CO | February 2024

Alternative Printmaking, Niza Knoll Gallery, Denver, CO | March 2024

3D: Beyond the Boundaries, Center for the Arts, Evergreen, CO | May, 2024

Blo Back Gallery, Pueblo, CO | July 2024

Other Exhibits and Shows

Ornamentation: A Holiday Juried Salon, Art Students League of Denver, CO | December 2023

Shared Visions-Tactile Exhibition, Colorado Gallery of the Arts, Littleton, CO | November 2023

Arapahoe Community College School of Art and Design Student Show, Aspen Grove, CO | April 2024

Supporting Member’s Show, Spark Gallery | May 2024